Inside Out Net

Bringing Out of Home Media Indoors


Ads run in 25+ neighborhood locations reaching locals where they live and work. Screens are positioned in high traffic locations and angled for maximum viewership.


:08 message repeats every six minutes or ten times per hour to reach everyone (ads run in non-competitive businesses only).


These viewers are active, and on the go – they are tougher to reach with traditional media.


Four networks of 25 – 30 locations to choose from; Destin, Fort Walton, Niceville, Crestview and Fairhope. Buy any one for twelve weeks ($600), buy any two nets for twelve weeks ($1,000), buy three nets for twelve weeks ($1,250), and buy all four for twelve weeks ($1,400).  Earn an extra eight weeks free media for one year commitment.


Pricing and Locations

Click seal below for pricing.

Emerald Coast indoor network